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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Hot Dog, Hot Dog, Hot Diggety Dog

Okay, finally, I am getting to this.  Bad, bad, Mama.

My Tootsie turned 2 last week!  T-W-O!

I's all downhill from here, right!???

I just recently read in one of those baby magazines that this (the third) year is the hardest.  Out of the first, second, third and fourth, the third year won by a landslide in the mommy vote.

I concur.

I know I'm just beginning the third year, but I know.

It ain't my first rodeo.  I give you Exhibit A.

This is the Bug, smack dab in the middle o' the third year.  And this is the way I most enjoyed her at that age.

Y'all -- it was rough.

Things improved a lot in the next two years, but that year was H.A.R.D.

Don't get me wrong -- I ain't scared.  No, I was scared the first time around.  But I got my sea legs and I'm ready to take it on.

I'm not looking forward to taking it on.  But I won't be beat.  For the love of all that is holy, I am going to win this battle.

I will get through this year, and I will be standing tall at the end of it.  Come next year, around birthday time, this will be me.

I will ride down main street in a convertible and the  crowds will be lining the streets, cheering me on.  I will give a smug smile, and wave, kinda like this (except much younger and cuter).


Oh, yeah, back to Tootsie.

She had a birthday.

We actually had a ginormous party for the two of them, since their birthdays are 9 days (and 3 years) apart.

We rocked the Minnie and Mickey Clubhouse (which really just means we set up some wading pools and sprinklers in the back yard and made them run around back there for an hour or so).

We had a scavenger hunt (find Pluto's bouncy ball) and a sack race (Hootenanny Hop).  I have no photographic evidence of either.  FAIL.

But I do have a fantastic shot of Tootsie where it appears Gene Simmons' makeup artist had a go at her.

This is the result of the black icing on these bad boys....made my Mama herself.


Oh, and Tootsie's Nanny T got her a stepstool just like the Bug got when she turned two.  Tootsie immediately commenced to dancing  to "I've Been Everywhere Man."  (You will recall that was the song for the Bug's dance revue.)

That is Handy Daddy's arm holding up the iPhone playing the song for her.  Can't dance without the tunes, you know.

How on earth did we survive childhood without cell phones and such?  Anyway, it's best I don't chase that rabbit.

Then, if all that wasn't enough to send Mama and Daddy to the ER with a case of "exhaustion" (that's what the celebrities call their nervous breakdowns), we had another run on her actual birthday five days later.

All I gotta' say is them kids better work hard and save up, 'cuz they gonna' have to set Mama up in a phat mother-in-law suite when I'm old.

Mama don't play 'dat.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Step One! We can have lots of fun...

My baby girl did have her 2nd birthday this week, and I will get to that at some point.  But I have to tell you all something really exciting that happened to Mama yesterday. 

The 12 year old girl inside Mama had her dreams come true last night.

I saw New Kids on the Block – LIVE in concert.

It all started a few days ago, when my friend Jodie blogged about one of her best memories of her teenage years being her dad bringing home tickets to a New Kids concert.  I left a comment there, professing my love for them as well.  I kidded that we should try to score some tickets to the concert this weekend, since our kids are too young to be embarrassed by their mamas squealing like little girls at a boy band concert.

I had no idea that was to be a prophetic comment.

I never did hear “Thus sayeth the Lord….”

But I woke up yesterday morning with a text from Jodie asking if I could go if she got free tickets to the NKOTB concert. 

My heart sank. 

I was to be driving with Handy Daddy to Shreveport to attend his brother’s graduation ceremony. 

I mentioned Jodie’s text to Daddy.  He looked at me, puzzled….then said, “Well, you can go if you want to.”

I raced back to the phone to text Jodie and the rest is history.

I dropped the kiddos off for a sleepover and went back home to an empty house.

Just me and the NKOTB videos.

That’s right – I dug them out of the storage closet. 

Three VHS tapes I’ve had since I was about 11 or 12.  I almost sold them at a garage sale a few years ago, but Handy Daddy convinced me not to. 

Boy, am I glad he did.  Those things came in handy. 

You see, my internet has been down for three days, so I couldn’t brush up on my lyrics by watching YouTube. 

Thank goodness for my trusty VHS tapes and player. 

Oh, I sat with the remote and the memories came flooding back.

I had much love for them boys when I was a tween.  And that love has lain dormant for many years.

(I searched high and low for a photo of myself sportin' my gigantic New Kids buttons, but to no avail! If I ever come across them, I'll be sure to update.)

I giggled with excitement watching the videos.  But I also thought to myself, “Okay, this is going to be so cheesy.  But I can’t believe I’m finally going to SEE them.” 

Have you ever had a dream and it never came true???  And then, many years later when the dream didn’t matter anymore, it happens, and you’re not sure what to make of it??

That’s what happened to me yesterday.

Let’s be real.

I am not the same person I was when I loved them boys.

All I wanted when I was 12 years old was to marry Donnie Wahlberg and ride around the country with him on his tour bus, turning my nose up at all the girls throwing themselves at my man.


If that’s not ridiculous, I don’t know what is.

Here I am, 33 years old, happily married with 2 beautiful children. 

I am not going to show up at the New Kids concert, catch Donnie Wahlberg’s eye, and ride off into the sunset with him on his tour bus.

No, there was no chance of that.  The whole thing is just absurd.

That’s what was so funny about this whole experience.

I was going to the concert I desperately wanted to go to over 20 years ago, with a completely different agenda.

I just wanted to have fun.

And boy did I.

Like I said, I thought this would be cheesy and couldn’t possibly imagine myself squealing or even getting out of my seat.


I had the BEST time I’ve had in a long time, and I’ve got the ringing ears and raspy voice to prove it.

Jodie, her sister, Jamie, my cousin, Olivia, and I (four of us) danced, waved, screamed and laughed for about 3 hours straight.

This is us before the show.  Try not to get sucked into Jamie's stare.

It was a great show, and the New Kids still got the moves! 

Unfortunately we didn’t have time to prepare and make signs like some of the other concertgoers.  We caught sight of these beauties:

“Make Out With Me!”

“My Husband said I could have all of you!”

“Joey’s Cajun B#$%CH”

No, we could only dream of being so classy.  Maybe next time, girls.

A highlight for Jodie:  Donnie said “unequivocabacly,” and then, realizing he butchered it, laughed and said, “clearly” in its stead.

Oh, and the Backstreet Boys were there, too.  They were after my time, so I really don’t have much to say about them, but I took a picture of them for your viewing pleasure.

You’re welcome.

Something  that surprised us all was the number of GUYS at this concert.  We were convinced these were couples in the early stages of dating, and the guys were just puttin’ in their time. 

We got quite a bit of laughter watching this guy right in front of us.  He sat there eating his ginormous plate of nachos and drinking beer through almost the entire show.  At one point, he leaned over to his girl and said, “I’m sorry, but I’ve got to go.”  He did come back and finish his nachos and beer.  Poor guy.  You know he’s wrapped.

But coming back to the New Kids…

They sang all the old songs and put on a great show.

Donnie told me I was his Cover Girl.  He also changed the lyrics from be my bride to get married and live in Louisiana.  This sparked much laughter, since the vast majority of the crowd is already married.  Sorry, Donnie, but you’re too late.  I couldn’t wait 20 years for you.  Biological clock tickin’ and all.

Joey begged me to please, don’t go girl.  That would, apparently, ruin his whole world.

Jordan pledged his love to me forever.  Just as long as I want him to be.

Apparently, I have the right stuff, and I’m their favorite girl.

I mean, really…

What more could a exhausted 33 year-old mother of two girl ask for?

Friday, June 17, 2011

Chunk Family

Even if you haven't seen Toy Story 3 (you should, 'cuz it's awesome), you will appreciate this.

We were reading bedtime stories tonight, and the Bug picked out a Toy Story reader.

Tootsie pointed to this picture and said, "Mommy Chunk."

Then she pointed to this one and said, "Daddy Chunk."

[insert evil voice and maniacal laughter]  My plans are working!!  [more maniacal laughter]

Just so you don't think she was referring to a generic "Chunk family", she pointed to this next picture and said, "Tootsie Bug."

Das' right -- we was all reppa'zented y'all.  

As a side note to Mimi (and, more importantly, to cover my hiney) :  I am only joking -- you can cancel the hit on me.

But, seriously, if you haven't seen Toy Story 3, go out and get it right now!  That's some funny stuff!

This is one of my favorite parts.  Ken meets Barbie.  If you can watch this and not laugh, then there's something wrong witcha'.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Another year, another tear

I'm a little late on this, but the Bug turned the big oh-five on Tuesday, and I'm not sure what to think of it.  I didn't get all sad or freaked out about it like I thought I would.

In a way, it's just another number, just like all the rest.  But, in another way, it seems so...BIG.  Turning five is a big deal right?  Starting kindergarten soon, old enough to go to camp...

I keep wondering why I'm not crying.  Will the tears flow like a river on the first day of school???

I do think about how FAST it has gone, and it kinda makes me queasy.  If the first five years flew by this fast, will the rest?  Oh, Lord, let her go to a local college.  Let her live at home until she's married.  And let her wait until she's 30 to get married.

I know this is not the right stuff to be praying.  I just don't know what I'm GOING.TO.DO!!!!

I guess I'm getting ahead of myself.  But it's going by so quickly, it seems as though the time is getting ahead of me.

What I want to know is this -- why didn't time go by this fast when I was a kid???  I feel like I been robbed!

Well, I'll quit playing my violin long enough to tell you this.

The other day, I was loving on her and she said something about turning five in a few days.  I said, "I know, I can't believe it!  It makes me sad!  My little baby is growing so fast."

This is what the Bug said to me.  "Oh, Mama, I'll always be your baby."

Yes, the tears did flow then.  That was some healing salve to a heavy heart is what it was.  That girl is so wise.  She knew just what her Mama needed to hear.

So I'll just keep watching while my baby grows.

I am comforted by the fact that when I watch her sleep, I can still see that little baby chin....those little baby lips...those big baby eyes.  My little baby is still in that little body that keeps getting longer by the second.

God, I love that kid.

Happy Birthday, Bug!

Monday, June 6, 2011

I've Been Everywhere, Man

Just a quick post to let you all know I survivied the First Dance Revue.

Lawd, have mercy!

Had I known what a fiasco this entire process would be, I might not have been so quick to sign up for it. 

Will I do it again, you ask?

Of course. 

That's what mamas do. Just like a wise man Antoine Dodson once said...sometimes, we are so dumb.  We are really dumb.  Fo' real.

So here is the Bug on dress rehearsal night.  That's the night I sat in the audience and watched.  'Cause I signed up to be a stage mom on revue night. 

Sometimes, we are so dumb.  We are really dumb.  Fo' real.

Last night was the actual Revue... the real deal.

And afterwards, she was showered with roses by all of her adoring fans.

Then she got her gift from Mama and Daddy, which she loved (and Tootsie also loved). 

Imagine the fighting which ensued as Tootsie tried to get her grubby little fingers on the goods.

Sometimes, we are so dumb.  We are really dumb.  Fo' real.

What can I say?  I am a fool for her.  Fo' real.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Tootsie, the Parrot

I had a Pampered Chef party a few weeks ago, and one of my friends, Caroline, came over yesterday to retrieve her goodies from said party.

She was smitten by Tootsie (it is inevitable, you know).  Tootsie told her, "Bye Miss Caroline!" in her sweet singsong voice and Mrs. Caroline melted.  She asked if she could have that as her ring tone. 

Well, seeing as I have no earthly idea how to create a ring tone, and couldn't even figure out how to email this video to Caroline because the file was too big, I've uploaded it here for Mrs. Caroline's (and your) enjoyment.

That's the best I could do, Caroline!  I hope you enjoy, and maybe you could get one of your minions to create a ring tone for you.  Because we know who holds all the power at YOUR office.

Oh, and "Cheese!" is what Tootsie keeps saying, as she thought I was going to photograph her.  Quite the little model, she is.

She also slipped in "Bye-Bye, Tara!"  That's just for you, Nanny-T.  She knows where her bread is buttered...

Happy Friday, ma Peeps!