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Monday, March 4, 2013

I don't have time to blog because I am raising THIS child...

Well, hullooooo there!  Where HAVE I been? 

Just like with every hobby I take upon myself, I get bored.  Yes, it appears I've become bored with myself  this blog, and haven't visited it lately.

Honestly, I just don't know how anyone has the time to do this consistently.  I feel overwhelmed almost every waking moment.  How can I be on this blog typing when there are toilets to be cleaned?  I just can't figure out how to do both well.


I was able to scrape a few minutes together to type this, because Handy Daddy said I should.  The pressure was too much to bear, you see.

So, I had a conversation with Tootsie today that went like this:

Tootsie:  Mama, Aladdin is my god.
Mama:  No, Tootsie, Aladdin is not God.
Tootsie:  Yes, he is.  And he's in my heart.
Mama:  No.  Aladdin is not in your heart.
Tootsie:  Yes.  And I worship him.
Mama:  (pausing briefly to catch my breath)  No, you do NOT worship Aladdin, and...and just stop it.
Tootsie:  (with an impish grin of obvious delight, begins to belt out this little melody) -- Aladdin loves the little children...all the children of the world....


Really?  At three years old she knows how to make me squirm. 

Sweet Lord Jesus in Heaven -- HELP ME!!!