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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Undah dah Sea

Okay, just so ya'll know, Tootsie is quite the little character, too.  I know I blog about the Bug alot, but that's not because Tootsie doesn't have any good material.  It's just that there's not much dialogue when it comes to Tootsie.  But, no doubt, that's coming.

In case you were wondering, and I'm sure you all have been pondering this for some time now, my favorite Disney Princess is Ariel.  I think it's because that's the movie that came out when I was a kid, but you can't argue the fact that it's a great movie all-around.  I mean, Sebastian alone could carry the show with that funny accent of his. 


In case you need a little refresher (and you definitely will to have any idea what Tootsie is singing), I give you this:

And here's Tootsie belting it out...

I just pray she's more obedient than Ariel was.

Just sayin'.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE it! Thanks Babe. Nice to "see" them from here. Love You!
