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Friday, August 13, 2010

bye-bye Summer

Come Tuesday next week, this will be one happy Mama.

That's because Mother's Day Out is starting up again, and I will actually have a break two days a week.  It's been a long time comin' ya'll.

This will be the Bug's 4th year in Mother's Day Out (and last year before "big" school) and Tootsie's first year.  So I actually haven't been without at least one kid hanging on my leg for the last 13 months. 

I know, I know.  Some of the mamas out there do this round the clock every year -- yada, yada, yada.  Well, we're not talkin' about them.  We're talking about me.  Let's try to stay on subject.

Anyway, in the words of the great Mater the tow truck, "I'm happier'n a tornada in a trailer park!"

I know the Bug is ready to go back and Tootsie, well, she doesn't have a clue.  But I know they're going to be as happy as they can possbily be, because it's gonna be so much fun.  A lot more fun than it's been around here with their Mama on the brink of insanity. 

So we kicked off the "end" of summer today by taking a little field trip to the fountains downtown, followed by a picnic. 

I've actually avoided doing anything "fun" all summer for fear of the whining/crying/tantrums that would surely transpire at any attempt to do anything fun.  But today went off without a hitch, much to my surprise.  The only problem was the Bug having to potty and there being no facilities to accommodate her.  Nothing a little trip to the bushes couldn't fix.  Oh, and a near meltdown when the Bug asked if that was a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, because she doesn't like jelly.  I just told her it wasn't "jelly" -- it was "fruit."  That easy. 

I think I underestimated my Super Mama abilities.  And I think I actually had more fun than they did. 


  1. You make me LAUGH! You funny guh!

    About MDO, I wanna go! Oh please please please!

    What an easy day you had. I mean, it was stupid easy. Somebody's probably gonna start throwing up tonight. It's just not like your life to have SUCH an easy day. :)

    Sorry we couldn't make it today. Looks like y'all had a great day. And way to go with your Super Powers - you diverted a huge catastrophe today. High five!

  2. what? I make YOU laugh??? Oh, Jodie -- I'm not worthy...I'm not worthy! hahaha

    You definitely deserve MDO more than anybody I know. Because you have the most kids....simple math.

    Anywho -- yes, great day. And I'm sure sombody's gonna throw up tonight, but it won't be at MY house in Jesus' name! hahaha
