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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Psalm 119:105 PBV (Princess Bug Version)

We have been laughing about this for the past two weeks and I said, "Enough, already!  Why are we keeping this to ourselves??!!  We need to share this with the world!"

And so, without further adieu, I give you -- the Bug!

Nothing gives me more pleasure than hearing my children sing hymns to our Lord....conspicuous "fly" and "cat" reference and all.


  1. So funny and sweet. Love it when these things happen.

  2. Wait...those aren't the right words???

  3. Hahahaa!! I wonder...what does SHE think that MEANS?? Thanks for not being stingy with it. ;)

    Oh, and I do like how she kicks her leg when she says cat. Funny kid.
