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Sunday, April 17, 2011

Side effects include, but are not limited to...

Warning:  applying makeup to a 4 year old for dance pictures can cause anxiety, headaches, irritability, shortness of breath, backache, sweating, leg spasms, aggressiveness, mania, uncontrollable screaming, restlessness, memory loss, panic attacks and/or other unusual changes in behavior or mood.  Use caution when operating hot appliances.

And I'm talking about for Mama, not the 4 year old.

I have to do this 2 more times before the recital.

But she sho' is cute, ain't she?


  1. She sure is a cute lil' thing. :) I like that extra dose of sass she threw in too. Just a little extra, for good measure. Ham. :)

  2. yes, it was all her. I had nothing to do with that pose. You'd never know it by the way she acts in public.
