It's one of
those weeks again.
The Bug got her tonsils out this morning.
Handy Daddy was diagnosed with the flu on Wednesday.
Mama needs a strong dose of Versed.
We haven't seen Handy Daddy since Monday morning. He works out of town and got sick while out of town, and came
home for the weekend to
his Mama's home so that the rest of us would not be exposed to the plague.
This has caused quite a bit of anxiety for Mama. But, I'm doing okay.
The Bug's doing okay, too....
She was actually fine about the whole thing until we were in pre-op and she started getting nervous. She then decided that she was
NOT getting her tonsils out. "I am
NOT gonna do it!" she told me. There was a whole lot of distracting going on on my part to get her mind off of what we were there to do, but we did have this conversation several times.
And she absolutely refused to put on their little hospital gown. "I am
NOT gonna wear that!" The nurse assured me that we could wait until they gave her the Versed and she would be more relaxed.
FINALLY the Versed came....sweet Lord, thank you for the Versed.
However, she was still adamant about not wearing that gown. I wrestled that child on the dang bed to get that gown on, only to have the nurse come and tell me it was okay for her to wear her own gown.
I was not too happy about that little revelation, and the nurse knew it.
So then we put her gown back on, and all was right with the world.
She was happy, and they rolled her on back to the OR.
The doc said her tonsils were huge, infected, inflamed, and full of scar tissue. And (surprise!) he also removed her adenoids. I had no idea that was coming. They also removed a stubborn tube from her ear that didn't want to fall on its own, and patched the little hole where it was.
She woke up in post-op, talked to the nurse a few minutes, then looked her square in the face and said, "I want my
Mama, and I wanna go
I went to see her in post-op and she was upset, but calmed down fairly easily. After all of her vitals were normal we were wheeled to the discharge area where she asked, "Is this where I'm gonna get my tonsils out?" She was so confused when I told her they'd already taken them out. Sweet baby. :)
We went home and the girl watched a marathon of movies...about 7 of them...and ate a pint of chocolate Almond Dream, 4 fruit ice pops and a half cup of chocolate pudding.
I am exhausted and looking forward to Monday when I hope Handy Daddy will be able to return home. Until then, I will be relying on friends to help me make it through. Oh, and I have to wake up every 3 hours to give the Bug pain medicine.
I really wish they would've sent us home with Versed for Mama.