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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

After a good dinner, one can forgive anybody, even one's relatives. --Oscar Wilde

Just so you're not thinking I haven't come by my [self-appointed] name, Mama to da Drama, honestly, feast your eyes on the insanity that is my life at dinner time every day:


I naively thought that this was just normal behavior for children this age at dinnertime.  However, if you listen closely, I was on the phone with a friend when I captured this impressive footage, and I'm pretty sure she thought I was torturing them.  No, my sweet friend, just feeding them dinner.  But, apparently, torture and dinner are synonymous to them.  And to me, unfortunately.

My friend assured me that this is NOT NORMAL behavior, and this does not go on in everyone's home.


Very eye-opening....

It's a wonder I require a minimum of 2 Nature's Sunshine Stress Packs a day.  Why on earth could I be suffering from insomnia?  And what could possibly be the cause of all these knots in my shoulders and back -- it's like the Rocky Mountains back there.


What am I going to do with these children?  This has been going on upwards of 5 years.  How I've managed to cling to a sliver of sanity is beyond me.

On the bright side, I did put them to bed at 7 p.m.  More rocking was requested by the little one and more water was requested by the "big" one.  I said, "It's time for bed and if I hear another cry come from this room, I'll return with The Rod."

I know....shame, shame, shame.

But, for-the-love-of-all-that-is-holy, do you blame me?

On a completely unrelated note, and utterly random to boot, this is the absurdity we call "weather" in Louisiana:
early February - preparing to make icicles
late February - splashing in the sprinkler

Good night, friends.  And when you're asking the blessing over your dinner tomorrow, throw in a good word for me.  I need all the help I can get.


  1. Holly..I told Derrick the story and his reaction was not very interactive, as though I was saying "Blah, Blah, Blah."
    I quickly realized that he just didn't get the magnitude of what u deal with so i played the video for him to hear!!!! LOL Boy did I get a reaction then, hahahaha...he said he couldn't do it!! Just thought i would offer u some sympathy! JE

  2. Yeah, Handy Daddy says the same thing. He "couldn't do it." I'm telling you....come feel these knots in my back. That's why I can't have alcohol in the house. I wouldn't have the will-power!
