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Saturday, March 12, 2011

Hallmark, eat your heart out...

The Bug is very much into art.  The child loves to draw, color, paint, do name it.

We do go through a lot of paper and, sadly, many trees lose their lives due to the cultivation of this talent of hers.  But, on the bright side, we do save money on greeting cards.  I can get a scribble pad with 50 or so sheets at Dollar Tree for $1, versus $4 for a greeting card at the drug store.

So Handy Daddy's baby brother is turning 30 on Monday, and we had the Bug create her own little heartfelt card for her Uncle David. 

Uncle David actually has more significance, not because he's Daddy's brother, but because he's married to the Bug's favorite person in the world -- Aunt Rachel.

So, here is her masterpiece.

We could've looked all day and would've never found a "Happy Birthday Uncle" card with a rainbow on it.
Portraits of Daddy, Uncle Ben and Uncle David, with their respective ages.
What I LURVE about this portrait is that Daddy has "fur" on his arms and legs, and Uncles Ben and David don't. 

Maybe in your forties, boys.  Something to look forward to. 


  1. Oh my crack me up! Maybe in their forties...HA!! Well then...what's my seems I have to shave my legs everyday! Oh...did I just write that out loud? ooops! LOL Kid's cards are the greatest! :) Such a sweet treasure.

  2. the shaving's not so's all that plucking you have to start doing once you hit your 30s! I've not yet come to terms with it. ;)
