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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Hazing at Cheerleader School

The things this kid comes up with...

Tootsie is dressed as an LSU cheerleader today, and she is in full character.

After doing a very impressive cheer for me, she proceeded to tell me all about her day at "cheerleader school."

It went like this:

Tootsie:  (with a very sad pouty face)  The other cheerleaders spit on me, Mama. 
Mama:  They spit on you?!!  That's terrible.
Tootsie:  Yes, and then an alligator ate my butt.
Mama:  (laughing)  Girl, you are so silly.
Tootsie:  Then, the other cheerleaders poo poo'ed on me.
Mama:  Tootsie!  That is gross!  That's enough.
Tootsie:  It's true, Mama!  They said, "Ready...set...poo poo!"

She makes my brain tired, y'all.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing what Tootsie comes up with. Where in the world could she have any seen anything remotely related to this? Never ceases to amaze me.
