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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The best birthdays of all are those that haven't arrived yet. - Robert Orben

One of my BFFs is currently great with child.  (This is my new favorite phrase to be used in the place of "big and pregnant.")  I think it sounds better.  Your thoughts?  I mean, it has to be better, because I found it in the Bible.

And Joseph also went up from Galilee...unto the city of David, which is called be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child.  Luke 2:4-5 (KJV)

 I love it.


Coincidentally, nearly every time I'm on the phone with her, she has Braxton Hicks.  Being the good friend that I am, I just reassure her that everything's okay, and it's just that her baby is leaping in her womb at the sound of my voice.  Not that I'm comparing myself to Mary or anything.  It's just that I'm "too spiritual," as my pastor once told me.  Oh wait -- he was talking about Handy Daddy when he said that.  Nevermind.

So anyway, she's great with child.

The last time I was great with child, the Bug was rollin' up on 3 years of age, so she wasn't exactly in tune to what was happening with Mama.  She knew that there was a baby in Mama's tummy, and she knew the baby's name.  That was about it.

Well, I guess she's been getting curious about my friend's baby, because we had this conversation today:

Bug:    Mama, is Londyn's baby sister here yet?
Mama:    No, not yet.  She's going to be born in month.
Bug:    Why she's gonna be born in March?
Mama:    Because that's when the doctor says she's gonna come out.
Bug:    (Thinks about this for a minute)  Well, when did I come out?
Mama:  You came out in June.  On your birthday.
Bug:    I came out on my birthday??!!
Mama:    Yes.  Your birthday is the day you came out of Mama's tummy.
Bug:    Well, when did Tootsie come out?
Mama:   When is her birthday?
Bug:    In June.
Mama:    That's when she came out.
Bug:   She came out on her birthday, too???!!!
Mama:    Yes, Baby, your birthday is the day you come out.  For everyone...

As funny as this little exchange was, it was also quite gratifying.  It seems the Bug has reached the age where she knows everything, so it was quite wonderful to be able to enlighten her a bit.

This is the Bug on her birthday...
...and Tootsie on her birthday...

...and all three of us on Tootsie's birthday.
Those birthdays weren't exactly a party for Mama, but they were the best birthdays of my life.


  1. So I am glad to c, lil miss Elizabeth that I am "BIG and PREGNANT" ohh wait I forgot how spiritual u r that u 'christianized' this to "Great with child" :/ u know, I would have been so impressed with u saying great with child had u left out ur explanation!!!

  2. No, you got it backwards. You're Elizabeth and I'm Mary....for the child leaping in your womb part. For the other part, you're Mary. But in either part, I'm not Elizabeth. LOL

    As far as my explanation, I'm too spiritual to not give credit where credit is due. ;)
