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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Adventure Begins

So I've been reading blogs for a few years now. I haven't devoted much time to it and, in fact, only read two. Someone said I should have my own, but I just didn't need the pressure. I don't want to have to entertain someone with my writing. I don't want to have to constantly post because so many people are waiting out there to hear whatever it is I have to say. I really don't have much to say. Except when it comes to my kids. But is there really anyone out there who wants to hear about every funny little thing my kids do? Maybe my mom and mother-in-law, and neither of them knows what a blog is.

So, I have just blown off the whole "you need to blog" comment for a few years now. But then, I just recently read one of the two aforementioned blogs. THAT blog was started to leave something behind for her girls to remember her by. Well....that's a great idea! I can do that! No pressure there....just something to leave behind for my girls. I can blog about all of their funny little sayings and whatever crazy things they do, and one day....they will have it to look back on. How sweet is that?

So, I have begun this adventure. There is so much that has happened already, since my oldest is almost 4 years old. But, better late than never.

If my girls are reading this, I hope this brings back fond memories, a lot of laughs and maybe a few tears. If anyone else is reading this, please -- no expectations.

I call my blog "Whole Lotta Drama Mama" because I have two girls. Hence.....whole lotta drama. Hopefully, this blog will document the drama, and when my girls are older, they will hold me in very high esteem. Indeed.


  1. What the crap?! When did you start this? You never spoke of it! I'm in such a state of shock I haven't even read anything yet -- so that's what I'll comment on next. :)
    I'm SO HAPPY that you finally decided to do this!

  2. I love this post. Hilarious. Indeed.

  3. Jodie, so far I feel like my posts are crap, and have no idea how you would find this funny...hahaha. But I was shocked to find I had comments posted on my blog. I never did get an email or anything. I have no idea what I'm doing. And so far I've gone back and edited my 3 measley posts about 20 times... hahaha

  4. and how did you even find this? now I'm all nervous that a FAMOUS AUTHOR is reading my blog!
