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Monday, June 6, 2011

I've Been Everywhere, Man

Just a quick post to let you all know I survivied the First Dance Revue.

Lawd, have mercy!

Had I known what a fiasco this entire process would be, I might not have been so quick to sign up for it. 

Will I do it again, you ask?

Of course. 

That's what mamas do. Just like a wise man Antoine Dodson once said...sometimes, we are so dumb.  We are really dumb.  Fo' real.

So here is the Bug on dress rehearsal night.  That's the night I sat in the audience and watched.  'Cause I signed up to be a stage mom on revue night. 

Sometimes, we are so dumb.  We are really dumb.  Fo' real.

Last night was the actual Revue... the real deal.

And afterwards, she was showered with roses by all of her adoring fans.

Then she got her gift from Mama and Daddy, which she loved (and Tootsie also loved). 

Imagine the fighting which ensued as Tootsie tried to get her grubby little fingers on the goods.

Sometimes, we are so dumb.  We are really dumb.  Fo' real.

What can I say?  I am a fool for her.  Fo' real.


  1. Ha! Love it!

    I know. I said the exact same thing when my girls were in dance. I dreaded dance recitals. How many dances can a person actually sit through?

    She's super cute though!

  2. Oh, and how much do I love you for referencing Antoine Dodson? To the moon!

  3. Thanks, Mama Belle! I actually would've enjoyed sitting through the dances. It was the chaos and preparation that stressed me. I mean...full make-up on a not-yet-five-year-old....puh-lease!

    Yes, Jodie, fo' real! Through the whole thing I just kept thinkin' "I am so dumb..." hahaha!
